Okay so I wanted to do a nail design for spring or easter that wasn't so literal. Instead of doing flowers, and easter eggs, I just decided to use spring-y colors instead.
What I Used:
**Base Coat - Sally Hansen (Hard as Wraps)
**All over nail - Sinful Colors (Easy Going)
**The colors I used for stamping was Konad Special Nail Polish in (Black Pearl), Pure Ice (Pussy Cat), Pure Ice (Outrageous), Sinful Colors (Innocent)
**Konad Image Plate M76, M54, M77 & M60
**Top Coat - Hard as Nail (From Sally's Beauty Supply)
How To Do:
1, Apply Base coat to nails and let dry.
2. Apply 2 coats of Sinful Colors (Easy Going) all over nail.
3, I started using a green polish, Sinful Colors (Innocent), and Image plate 76 (the image with leaves and stars) and applied the polish to half of the design. I stamped the image on the lower right corner of my nails.
4. Next I used a purple color, Pure Ice (Outrageous), and used Image Plate M77 and applied the polish to only half of the design and stamped the image on the middle-left of my nails.
5. Using Image Plate M54 I took the swirly design under the tulips, (image above butterfly), with a blue color, Pure Ice (Pussy Cat), I stamped the upper right corner of my nails.
6. Next I used Konad Special Polish in (Black Pearl) and Image plate M54. I used the entire design on my thumbs, and just the smaller design for the rest of my nails.
7. Apply top coat and allow to dry.
This is my favorite nail design I have done so far. I will be doing another spring look later this week.